
extension Publisher where Self.Output : Action

Available where Self.Output : Action

  • Wraps this publisher with a type eraser to return a generic Action protocol.

    Use to expose a generic Action, rather than this publisher’s actual Action implementer. This will help satisfy constraints for Publishers that are expected to be of type Action.

    // Below: Error: Cannot convert value of type 'AnyPublisher<GetPost, Never>' to specified type 'AnyPublisher<Action, Never>'
    let actionPublisher: AnyPublisher<Action, Never> = actions
        .handleEvents(receiveOutput: { _ in print("Got it") })
    // Below: No error with eraseActionType()
    let actionPublisher: AnyPublisher<Action, Never> = actions
        .handleEvents(receiveOutput: { _ in print("Got it") })



    public func eraseActionType() -> Publishers.Map<Self, Action>